Tuesday 28 August 2012

too many ideas not enough time..

All through my pregnancy I had visions of being able to look after a baby full time at home, whilst sewing everyday making large quilts for order, plus bags and products to sell for wholesale to boutiques.
The truth of the matter is, that I'm lucky if I can make 2 make up bags a week. What before took 20 minutes to make, now takes hours in annoying stages.
As for my sewing studio, it looks like a bombs hit it, with a spare bed placed in the middle, as it is the only space for guests who want to come and stay and as we had quite a few with the new baby, so it got abandoned there now as a trip hazard.
Having said all this, I am lucky to be doing sewing at all, and there are lots of times when I could do more, instead of wasting time when Pearl is asleep.
So for now, I shall return to scrap booking my ideas down in my beautiful black book.

Yes a real book, not pinterest or my iphone, but old fashioned pen and paper and sellotape.  I started this when I was in college in Ireland.
This came about by, contstantly ripping bits out of magazines, and loosing them, so I started sticking them in a book. anything visually interesting clothes I liked, things to make, cool styling. ect.

Then as my course progressed at college, and we started making more items, it became an Idea's book of scribbles and workings out, pattern ideas, and measurements. And  I just love it!
So I may not be able to make everything I want to, when I want to. But at least I can keep the idea safe. Surely having the inspiration and the motivation, and excitment to create something is just as good. Well it will do for now.

Monday 16 July 2012

More booty finds

Yesterday went car booting again and braved the weather and had better luck with finding things this time. We came away with a new dining room chair as all our cane ones broke. I've Been looking out for these type of chairs in particular. Cafe style 30's and 40's era. This one were going to leave as wood and was £5.

This framed print was only £1 and looks good on our picture wall!

Sunday 8 July 2012

New Look

Queenie Quilts has a new look! Yesterday I designed a new banner online (from etsbannergenorator) and I'm really pleased with the finished look. The colours and patterns are more fitting for the products that are on the shop, and ties the whole look together well. I wanted something lighter and airy. I loving the pattern for the background, be great if I could find some fabric that matches!What do you think?

Friday 6 July 2012

baby quilts

Its all go today, another Rabbit sold on Etsy which is great.  Lovely green one off to a good home. There flying!  Off to the post office again, this time in the rain.  C'est la vie.
Spent time today taking shots of the baby patchwork quilts to go online. Ive been putting these off so far as they can be tricky to photograph,  but now I have a better camera it was easier, so what do you think??
                                           Patchwork Baby Blankets $49.00 (£32.00 appox)

Wednesday 4 July 2012


I have new found patience for crafting and blogging again. I took my eye off the ball understandably becoming a Mum, that I haven't really done anything but look after Pearly. 
However over the weekend I had a surprise large order. Horay! Selling a stuffed rabbit and 2x cloud cushions. 

I get such a buzz from making a sale, knowing that somebody likes the products that I've spent time and effort making. So much so, that its spurred me on to make more things, or as much as I can do whist Pearly is asleep.. which actually isn't much.

I  really LOVE sending the products out, wrapping them up, in tissue and ribbon and showing off my new business cards! Such a large part what you sell is in the branding, packaging and presenting the items and can be really fun in experimenting with what compliments the products. 

So, please have a look at new rag dolls and teddies listed in Etsy, (link at the top of the page.) 

Tuesday 3 July 2012


Pearl Shakira born 30th April, is the reason for not being able to update my blog until now, but 2 months on, I'm able to use her sleep time, as time to update my on-line shop, blog and post and try to make new things.
I cant believe that she is finally here, after spending 9 months of non stop sewing to pass the time of being pregnant I thought that she would never come out. Then, out she popped on time, on her due date in the afternoon. How considerate.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Car Boot Finds

So happy now there are car boots to go to again. Thought that I would come home with loads of junk, but so far have found it difficult to find anything good.
I did however find a magic box of old Liberty Fabric scraps, and filled a bag for a quid. I wish now I had just asked for the whole box! I'm pretty sure that most of these are 90's Liberty prints. Unfortunatly the bits are only small so only good for crafting, or I'd be making summer tops or shorts! Although I might make some massive big bows to sew onto dresses/tops. I'm waiting till I'm no longer pregnant before I start making myself summer clothes!
So here are the bits I found...

I also found a really fake handbag, so bad, I had to have it, I love Black and Gold together so its perfect. Can't get much in it mind, but I do like the gold letters and what's more it was only 50p. Bargain.